Well, first I'll show you another Sunface I've been playing around with - building on the idea of using that flat aluminium wire as a bezel for my PC pendants. Decided to try to make them the sun rays. I was told that these are a little too large for actual necklaces...maybe they should be fan pulls...you know, for the light pull. :)

The reason I started this post was that there is a sale going on @ Joanne's right now, they have PC for 50% off. I went and stocked up on the new Souffle clays because I am so tired of brittle, breaking clay, as in the statue below. This statue is why I got away from PC a few years ago. After spending so much time on her, her hand broke off. For no reason. Along with most of the petals on her flower home. And yet, her hair, which is very long in the back and extremely thin, as you can see from her awful bangs, did not break off. I know that I could repair her but she wasn't that great to begin with and I simply got frustrated. Especially since she is so ugggggly. :) What do you want for a first attempt? lol. I put her aside, and put clay aside, other than making faux finish jewelry, which doesn't have such delicate areas, usually, if I make a pendant.

But then, there is this, below. I made a translucent/white clay outline flower cane and used it to cover this vase, VERY thinly. I want to say it is mostly 1/16"! I was pretty happy with it, as it was quite even although i just mushed cane slices on, not making them into a sheet. BUT - it is about the same age as my fairy, and did not crack but a tiny bit on the bottom, which is different clay...So your choice of clay is very important! I am surprised at how durable this one has been. I wish I knew what brand I used to make it! OR the breakable fairy! I assume Sculpey III....or even the original crap because I didn't know any better....

Here is the same vase, lit with an LED light from the dollar store! (Gotta love that place, I get so many supplies from there! Parchment paper, turkey roasting bags, aluminium wire, LED lights, makeup for iridescent powders, soft makeup brushes for powders, acrylic blocks to use when reducing canes...the list goes on! Heck, I got the glass vase from there, too...) It looks so much nicer though when it is lit up. It really highlights the opaqueness of the white and how the translucent lets the light through. I really love this vase, this post is making me want to make another one! I have a matching vase with no clay on it, just staring at me...:)

And one more time, another vase covered in clay canes. As you can see, this one isn't as even...the dark spots give me away! I believe this was my first one...glad it didn't make me stop trying the technique! It looks pretty good at night, lit up though...:) During the day, not so much! Lol! But once again, this is a very thin PC coating and NO cracks.
After reading the Bottle Tree post, I thought I'd give the Souffle a try for my newest attempt at a different technique...clay embroidery, I believe it's called. I will post pictures when I get something I'm happy with! And since she said it's so soft, I may try using it for brush embroidery on clay, as well, as I've done a few times with both clay and slick fabric paint...
And one last thing...I've been admiring the work of Kathrin Neumaier for quite some time! She does
amazing things with transparent Pardo and liquid Fimo that look like real glass! Amazing stuff. I have some Pardo trans and found out on my PC Facebook group that that brand gets old and hard to work with, rapidly. So I started playing with it and was quite frustrated to find it had a lot of air in it once I was done with my test beads. I think the trick is to roll it as thin as possible. Here are my attempts....the one on the left is very VERY thin....the other is about a 16th of an inch and you can see how plaque filled it is! Still kind of cool looking and VERY sturdy. And flexible. I am impressed with this clay. I hear it isn't available in the US right now though, so I will be trying to overcome my hoarding tendencies and USE the stuff! :D