Saturday, May 25, 2013

Bead Star 2013

I've always liked to make things, and I use many different mediums to do it. In no particular order, I love paper, polymer clay, glass (mosaic, stained, and fused) and recently I've discovered my love for wire.

It started with the fused glass pendants that I make in the microwave and my embossing technique. My technique works on clear dichroic glass so putting a bail on it that won't be seen from the front is a little difficult, and one day I discovered wire wrapping. Which led me back to my polymer clay fascination - I hadn't used it in a few years but thanks to Pinterest, I'm trying new things and techniques that have developed since the last time I was into it. And a couple of years ago, I found directions on how to make these beaded 3d hummingbirds, and tried beading. I was surprised that I liked it, because I HATE sewing :) by hand or otherwise, but it seems to go by fast with results I really love. The hummingbirds (I made three) are really a beadweaving technique (two ends of the wire are used, no needle), but then I found out how to do spiral Peyote, and made a few bracelets.  Yes, I flit around like a freaking hummingbird, myself.

             I made this one so it could be removed from the neckchain and made into an ornament for the Christmas tree.

Then I was watching one of my favorite jewelry shows, Beads, Baubles, and Jewels, and saw Sherri Serifini's beautiful beadwork. If you don't know who she is, please Google her work. Go ahead, I'll wait! She's fantastically creative and it inspired me to try her style...or my own version of it, at least.

While browsing through Joanne's one day, I found these necklace bases on clearance for about a dollar apiece. it's just fabric with a gauzy ribbon closure, with a piece of felt to stitch to cover the back once your piece is completed, but I bought several of them because I'm a hoarder and I love a bargain! :) They're kind of a bib shape...the one I have made so far is a sort of shield.

I started this piece last year and then made myself put it down so I could concentrate on paying the mortgage instead of indulging my lifelong learning quest! After I started playing on Pinterest recently, I decided it was time to finish this project. The entire piece didn't take as long as I thought it might, maybe a few days. I posted a few photos on Facebook of it but I have no idea what else to do with it...I am still Etsy-challenged, and no one I know would ever have an occasion to wear anything like this!

But I got an email from Beading Daily and it mentioned the Bead Star contest for this year, and I decided to enter this piece. In my usual fashion, I got it in one day before the cut-off ended yesterday. I thought I'd post a few pics of it here and see if I could get some opinions of it. I believe they eventually will have photos of it and the other entries on their site, but none yet. Here is the first of the two I submitted.

The four round stones are made from polymer clay, a technique I call "Buttefly Wings" because of the iridescence and crackled appearance. They have a nice domed effect from some UV clear coat by Lisa Pavelka. The rectangular stone is a crackled agate.

Closer view. Sorry about the clarity of the photos, they were taken with two different cameras! Neither of which takes very good photos. Sigh. This is why I don't have anything on Etsy yet. 

This is the second entry. I have many items I could have entered but the categories were rather hard to apply to my work. As it is, I entered the Emerging Artists category. The rest weren't applicable to anything I wanted to enter. The rose pendant is made from polymer clay canes, that is, the design colors are not painted on the surface, the clay I used to make the flower is that color. The photo above is the side I consider the front. The back of this pendant is below, a different kind of rose from a different cane. The fringe on this is Swarovski crystals. 

I guess now, I wait. I have no idea who my competition is, but I can't wait to see it on their site! Thanks for visiting, please let me know what you think!

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